L’Archetipo is a well-known great name in the European natural wine’s enology and is located in Puglia, a region of southern Italy.
After twenty years of Organic Agriculture and five of Biodynamic Agriculture, the vineyards of l’Archetipo have reached a situation of equilibrium termed ‘synergistic agriculture’; this result was reached by studying and applying for years the teachings of Rudolf Steiner and Masanobu Fukuoka, to whom the Archetipo wines are dedicated.
Nature programs its cycle perfectly without the need for the hand of man. The organic substances that fall to the ground (leaves, branches, etc.) undergo that phenomenon called “surface composting”, which is nothing more than a complicated sequence of biological transformations carried out by the microflora and microfauna, whereby, starting from any organic substance, be it of vegetable or animal origin, we arrive at the formation of the precious humus, true food for plants.
For the past six years there has been no intervention with any type of plowing, and this has been very healthy for all forms of life present there, including the vines, bringing Nature to its ultimate goal: the well-being of all its inhabitants, who finally find themselves in their own “Archetype”.
It goes without saying that even in the cellar the interventions are minimal and intended to protect nature so that it can take its course, from pressing the grapes to fermentation. The Archetype wines represent a uniqueness in the international wine scene and are certainly an example to follow.